In Sight
HD video (montage)
50:30 min.
In Sight installed at: OUTSIDE THE BLACK BOX at Lo schermo dell'arte Film Festival, Italy
In Sight explores the representation of migrants and refugees in cinematic travel narratives specifically those produced in a European and US context. The films focus is set on different protagonists traveling across changing landscapes and borders. The single filmic narrative is restructured towards a collective story using a variety of clips from different films linking together bodily movement across film-historic periods. With this gesture, In Sight seeks to explore how narratives of movement have unfolded on screen and how they become part of our perception and collective memory. The work consists solely of clips from already existing films: please see credit list below.
Stills from In Sight featured above:
La pirogue (2012) by Moussa Touré, Sin Nombre (2009) by Cary Joji Fukunaga, America America (1963) by Elia Kazan, Lamerica (1994) by Gianni Amelio, Borders (Frontères) (2002) by Mostefa Djadjam.
In Sight uses clips from the following films:
Reise der Hoffnung / Journey of Hope (1990) by Xavier Koller, Eden à l´Ouest / Eden is West (2009) by Costa-Gavras, Nuovomondo / Golden Door (2006) by Emanuele Crialese, Lamerica (1994) by Gianni Amelio, La pirogue (2012) by Moussa Touré, America America (1963) by Elia Kazan, Utvandrarna / The Emigrants (1971) by Jan Troell, Borders / Frontères (2002) by Mostefa Djadjam, Harragas (2009) by Merzak Allouache, El Norte (1983) by Gregory Nava, In This World (2002) by Michael Winterbottom, Toni (1935) by Jean Renoir, Chasing Freedom (2004) by Don McBrearty, Crossing Over (2009) by Wayne Kramer, Der Albaner / The Albanian (2010) by Johannes Naber, Sin Nombre (2009) by Cary Joji Fukunaga, La jaula de oro / The Golden Dream (2013) by Diego Quemada-Díez, The Kite Runner (2007) by Marc Forster.